Falso movimiento (Fake movement)
» 30 Jenuary – 21 February 2003
Fundación Municipal El Puig
Valencia, Spain
Curated by Francisco Horts, text by Rosa Ulpiano

Fake Movement ileads the spectator to new redemption, a new freeing of the experience.
The movement to liberation suggested by these images turns into a baconian movement in which  his personages become empty, free from any feeling.
He provokes a tension on the spectator, who is aware that each work, each body, gives birth multiple germinations, the multiplication of the models.
Instead of abandoning his re-compositive track, he gets closer to a diffuse, cathartic model.
Photography becomes a constitutive tool of the human being, a prothesis, even a new definition. Sergio Zavattieri interprets this concept of photography through the corporal dynamism, establishing a total communication between image and photography, including  extent where the image is photography and vice versa.
The body moves itself stroke by stroke inside the camera, like that fauna of which Muybridge photographically captured the moves, this risky sliding. Through the human body, a new way to be, to exist, is re-defined in a new ontological abstraction, where each time the machine creates an extended barrier. The artist set us free from this barrier through the aesthetic illusion of the new vital abstraction of the body, this communication media which dignify us in this talking, immaterial, where digitalization and virtualization socialize in a new universe.


Rostros sin sentimiento, Rosa Ulpiano, Levante, 2003